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market misconduct中文是什么意思

用"market misconduct"造句"market misconduct"怎么读"market misconduct" in a sentence


  • 市场失当行为


  • Market misconduct tribunal
  • Securities and futures registration of market misconduct tribunal orders rules
  • To make breaches of statutory listing requirements a new type of market misconduct under the securities and futures ordinance cap . 571
  • To make breaches of statutory listing requirements a new type of market misconduct under the securities and futures ordinance ( sfo ) ( cap
    把违反法定上市要求定为《证券及期货条例》 (第571章)下一种新的市场失当行为;
  • To extend the market misconduct regime in parts xiii and xiv of the sfo to cover breaches of the statutory listing rules made by sfc
  • The panel was briefed by sfc on the different types of market misconduct under sfo and the procedures adopted by sfc in handling such cases
  • Directors wishing to deal in any securities in the company must first have regard to the provisions of part xiii and part xiv of the securities and futures ordinance with respect to insider dealing and market misconduct
  • Opportunity was also taken to add new elements of regulation into the bill , which included the introduction of a single licence for market intermediaries , the establishment of a more effective regime to combat market misconduct and an upgraded disclosure regime to enhance market transparency
  • To empower the market misconduct tribunal to impose , in addition to existing sanctions such as disqualification orders and disgorgement orders , new civil sanctions , namely public reprimands and civil fines , on the primary targets , i . e . issuers , directors and officers , for breaches of the statutory listing rules made by sfc ; and
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